Holy Spirit Workshop

Holy Spirit Workshop

Q & A


Question:  What are the basic signs of a pastor, an evangelist and a teacher?

26 January 2012

A pastor is one who shows care for his flock only. That is, he only cares about the well being of his people. He prays for them and feeds them physically and spiritually.

Jesus the Pastor:

1. said, “I was sent only to the lost sheep of Israel,” [Matthew 15.24] when the Syrophoenician women asked for help.

2. fed the 5,000 and 4,000 without taking an offering from them.

3. offered His own body and blood as our food.

4. is always praying for us.

5. stayed where His people were. He did not travel to India or China, etc.

6. did not care for the size of His congregation, just the health.

7. defends His people against all who come and checks everyone out to see if he is a wolf.

An evangelist seeks out the unpreached, that is, they do not preach in churches, but only to those who have never heard the gospel.

A teacher always teaches according to the teachings of Jesus, “…teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.” [Matthew 28.20] He teaches nothing else except Jesus’ commands, and does so with permission from the apostle and the pastor.


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